Hey there fishermen friends...just thought I would send you all a little update. 20 days until Christmas, I can hardly believe it!!! 26 days until 2020 and 171 days until the spring/summer fishing season opens for the North! My planning will have to start sooner than later hahaha!
We had our first fish fry at home the other day....Oh man, it was so good....we all ate so much fish and so many fries that there were no leftovers. It was just like shore lunch except no boat ride, no lake and it was cold and snowy outside so we cooked in the garage hahaha...definition of redneck??

Not much is new around here...Kids are doing excellent in school, Matt is working away almost non-stop, I finished my books & have been taking some calls and replying to some emails for booking inquiries. It's been slower than last year during this time, but I expect the Canadian economy and our recent election has a lot to do with it. Davin Lake Lodge works hard to maintain affordability within our sector. Many other lodges are leaps and bounds more expensive and the fishing nearly as good as at Davin...and they have staff...paid staff! This is definitely not a get rich quick scenario for Matt and I since we have yet to take a paycheque. We bought Davin because we love the outdoors, we love fishing, we love meeting new people and we love to work hard for something that is ours. We put 100% of ourselves into Davin Lodge everyday whether it is cleaning cabins, maintaining equipment, visiting with people, hosting shore lunch or any other thing that helps the engine turn around Davin Lodge. It's just too bad the Canadian economy isn't performing well and allowing our Alberta & Saskatchewan residents to vacation, let alone vacation in their own province.
The 2020 Fishing season tentatively opens May 25, 2020. We will already be in camp, setting up and doing some maintenance. I have picked out some paint colours and will be painting cabins in 2020...I hope to get an early start and be finished by the second week of June. 2020 will also be the year to tin the cabins....lodge first though! Irvin gave us a great idea, look into a grain bin topper to put on the lodge...one piece, no cutting and no wasted supplies. We have some farmer friends as wells friends in the grain bin industry, so we will be reaching out to them to see if it is a viable option to protect our lodge roof!
I have started my lists for 2020...shopping, supplies, tackle, maintenance stuff....recipes and menus!! What did I cook for you in 2019 or even 2018 that you liked?? Send me a message and let me know!! My carrot cake with icing is already on the list ;)
Fishing in 2020?? If you are thinking of a trip North in 2020 and simply want more information about our lodge, by all means send me a message, email, text or call and I would be happy to answer all of your questions. If you know you want to fish with us in 2020 but have not yet booked....call me!! I would be happy to help you plan your Adventure North!
Dates I have open for June:
June 1-7
June 12-25
July and August I have lots of availability and it will be easier to reserve specific dates, but June...very limited, so give me a call today 780-870-5684.
Matt and I have planned to target Walleye in 2020...we would like to better understand the Walleye patterns and movements on Davin so we can in turn provide our fishermen with a better walleye fishing experience. If you have any tips, tricks, hooks, lures and techniques, let us know so we can be successful and help you have a terrific Adventure North! Also, what was your go-to Pike, Walleye or Trout hook in 2019...I will add it to my list so we can stock it in on our tackle wall in 2020.
2020 Denver Outdoor Sportsman Show....I don't think we can afford to go this year. Denver is just too darned expensive and we would have to sell about 6 packages just to recoup our costs to attend. It's not that I don't want to go because I do. We are hoping to look at attending in 2021. Our apologies to anyone who wanted to see us attend the show in Denver.
2020 Great Rockies Sportshow in Billings: We will be in attendance for the show January 17-19, 2020. This is the only Great Rockies Sportshow to be held in Montana for 2020. It will be a good trip and will be exciting to visit Billings as we have not yet been to the city. I will have calendar with me so you will be able to pick your dates at the show. We look forward to meeting many new Montanans down south in Billings.
Not much else is new around here...Kids received their first report cards for the school year. They went back to school 2 weeks later than every other kid, but judging by their report cards they didn't suffer one bit! Highest marks and glowing reviews for both Milo and Freja...way to go kids! Big thank-you to all the fishermen who tipped the kids for their hard work this summer. Both kids were able to open up a Canadian and American bank account and get a debit card. They have started the road to financial responsibility and independence...it would be easy to let them buy a new iPad or game console or piss it away on lego, but my kids have some serious goals. They also have the ability and motivation to save and achieve their goals on their own...great job Milo & Freja!
Timber is bored at home...I can't imagine how much she misses the freedom at the lake. I walk her twice a day and she rides in my truck everyday I work or when I go anywhere...she loves my truck, but I think she doesn't want to get left behind or miss out on any fun!

We have had some mild weather here in Lloydminster and the snow is staying around. The North has been milder as well but this week, everything changes up there! Even though the lakes are frozen, the temperatures have been above seasonal. This week the evening lows plummet to -25C or lower....oh how I wish we were there for Christmas this year. In the coming years, we will do everything we can to be there as often as we can through all the seasons.
We will be doing a Facebook giveaway starting January 1, 2020. You will have 2 weeks to like, share and tag for the opportunity to win a $250 Cabelas gift card! The winner will be chosen at random and will be announced on Facebook and posted here. I will also be running a draw at the camp for anyone to enter during the 2020 season....It will also be for a $250 Cabelas gift card....the camp draw will start June 1 and will close September 15. I will choose the random winner when I get home in the fall!
Our family will be away during Christmas....you can still email, text, message or call, but I may not respond right away with answers to your questions or booking requests. I will put all inquiries during the last 2 weeks of December on hold and will reply to everyone first thing in the New Year!
Drive or Fly...Adventure North to Davin Lake Lodge
Matt, Danica, Milo, Freja & Timber
We would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!