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End of July Update

Writer's picture: DanicaDanica

The fish are biting like crazy!!!

I was going to end the post at that because I have a week off from the kitchen and I am heading out fishing, but I know some people want

No joke though, the walleye have been hitting so good since the beginning of the season it has been ridiculous! Bottom bouncing with bait, or just trolling with a spoon, they are biting in areas we have never seen walleye before! This lake is way too much fun!

Trout too, even though they have gone deeper, 40-80', you look at your depth finder and they are just stacked in layers. Drop down, fish on, drop down, fish on! gotta listen to me....They are in 15' need something heavy for deep trolling. I have been using a 3oz "Deadly Dick" in red and iridescent silver and I have been having no troubles catching beauty pike in the 29" range.

Other lures working for Pike and Walleye: Blue/silver spoons, white/pink spoon, good ol' 5 of diamonds, 5" Pike minnows are still catching, Silver flatfish, Mepps in blue/pink, Canadian Wiggler blue/silver & Eppinger Dardevle in red/white! Trout are biting the Deadly Dick any color, 5 of Diamonds, buzz bombs and any other spoon you want to sink to 60 feet.

These guys fished hard and this was the end of their Walleye limit they needed

Morning catch on their first day out

Matt and I can hardly believe its August already....his birthday is tomorrow, so send us an email or post him a happy birthday on facebook! His aunt, uncle and cousin are up right now along with a couple other friends of ours (Jim & Pam) from Montana, so we are hitting the lake this week and catering our own shore lunch! Matt's cousin Troy brought his big beautiful Canadian-made ThunderJet boat back and Milo has been begging to go out with Uncle Troy and his friend Todd!!

Uncle Troy's boat! Troy works hard and takes his fishing very seriously

The latter part of July we had some great people through camp...2 buddies from Denver came back to fish after about a 15 year hiatus from Davin Lake. They brought us a vintage Davin Lake hat given to them by the original owner Wes B....what a treat to hang on the wall, I love stuff like that! They also convinced me to head to Denver for the Sportsman show in January. I had been on the fence about Denver, just because its so so expensive to do, but I have a plan to help with the expenses, I just hope I can pull it off....Stay Tuned!!


We also are heading to Billings, Montana...they cancelled the Helena show for 2020 so our only other option in the great state of Montana is Billings. I hope our Helena people will travel to Billings to come see us although, we are coordinating with Jim and Pam to pass through and stay a night in Helena so we can have supper and drinks with if anyone from Helena wants to see us, get ahold of Jim! You can't miss him in a crowd, the dude is like 6'9"

My mom did make it up along with her friend Helen and my sister and her husband. It was a good trip, the ladies all lazed around and we got them out on the lake for a bit of a tour. My mom was so proud of us and what we have accomplished and was overwhelmed by the place we call home!

Nana...who my kids miss dearly. Lots of cuddles and hugs while she was here

Freja has been riding a little Vespa around camp, which she got for her birthday. This week she was ungraded to Milo's 110 Polaris quad...the govener is still in so she doesn't have the full throttle, but she has it mAAAAxxed!! She has burned through 3 tanks of fuel in as many She is super stoked for today, because the govener comes out and then look Out!!! On her vespa she put some lettering on that said" Get out of my way"!!! Oh boy, what have we created...poor Timber is out of breath from running beside her!!

Anyways, I gotta wrap this up, supper is prepped for this evening and I have to pack the shore lunch box and catch us a few to eat today...I know you all understand!!

Dates left at the end of August as well as into September...send me an email and I can get you booked in!

One last thing....I have been getting lots of new inquiries for 2020 already....I have answered most emails with general info and have put you on my list to contact in October once my desk is cleared from 2019. I will reach out to my corporate groups first and confirm their dates then start filling in the rest of the season from there....already looking forward to 2020!!

Wish me luck out there, this cook is finally getting out on the lake, let you know what I catch!!


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